Acorn User: The Risc OS Music Utilities CD
Acorn User: The Risc OS Music Utilities CD.iso
Text File
70 lines
Locate the !MidiSupp application resource on your hard disc, and copy
the !Debbie application from this archive into '!MidiSupp.PlugIns'.
Thereafter whenever !MidiMan is run, !Debbie will appear in it's front
panel, from where it can be launched.
Refer to the !Help file within !Debbie for instructions on how to use
the program.
If you're not too sure of the XG card's capabilities, then please,
PLEASE read the help text. In the process of explaining !Debbie, I
mention the XG's features.
There are some pages on my web site which may also be of interest :
* A concise overview of MIDI :
* MIDISupport and !MidiMan :
No. Not a problem with !Debbie, though for a while I thought it was.
The problem is with ESP's !Player application which only shows up when
used in conjunction with !Debbie ...
When using !Player to play a MIDIfile, the musical timing of the
sequence file gets really messed up when making adjustments to the XG
from !Debbie. The musical timing will eventually recover, though it's
an altogether unpleasant experience.
Andre Timmermann's !DigitalCD uses the same MIDIPlay module as !Player
and so this too suffers from the same problem (with MIDIfiles).
However, when using !MelIDI to play a MIDIfile this problem doesn't
occur. So I don't think it's !Debbie that's at fault.
The strange thing is that once !MelIDI has been loaded, both !Player and
!DigitalCD no longer exhibit the problem. You can even kill off !MelIDI
and even remove all of its drivers and modules, and still !Player and
!DigitalCD work okay. So, it would seem that !MelIDI does something
(I've no idea what) to MIDISupport that prevents this problem.
Another benefit of running !MelIDI is that thenafter the MIDIPlay module
(ie !Player and !DigitalCD) is less prone to interruption to the
musical timing when dragging windows around or accessing the hard disc.
That's a bit of an advert for !MelIDI - 'buy it, it improves the
scheduling of other MIDI applications' :o)
I recommend that you get hold of a copy of !DigitalCD as it can play
many types of music files : trackers, samples, and MP3s as well as
MIDIfiles. It is available from :